Interested in presenting furniture at home from teak wood? Yep, teak wood furniture is still the favorites for many people. A strong, durable, and aesthetic material is a characteristic of teak wood that makes it superior to other types of wood.
Because of its strong and aesthetic appeal, this type of wood has even become an export commodity since the colonial period. But that only applies to quality teak wood. And to get really good quality is not easy. Especially if this is the first time you are looking for teak wood furniture. You must be confused.
How to Choose Quality Teak Furniture
So that this doesn’t happen, there are actually a few tips that you can apply to choose quality teak wood. Here are some of them:
1. Only Choose Furniture from Old Teak Wood
To get quality, make sure you choose old teak furniture. Because the older the teak wood is, the stronger the wood construction will be. In addition, the more visible the wood grain will show an even more aesthetic impression.
Old teak wood has a special characteristic. These characteristics include a denser wood texture, heavier wood weight, harder wood, and an even reddish-brown color.
Unlike young teak wood. In addition to wood that looks fragile, the aesthetics that are displayed are still lacking. Even wood tends to be pale and indistinct.
2. Pay Attention to Furniture Construction
Often cases of damage to teak furniture occur not because of pests or the age of the furniture that is too old, but because there are errors in its construction. For that, it is very important to pay attention to the construction of the furniture you are going to buy.
To check whether the construction of the furniture that you are going to buy is good or not sturdy enough, you can do it by trying to use the furniture. Make sure it feels comfortable and sturdy. Also pay attention to the level of symmetry, whether it has a good level of symmetry or not.
Also, pay attention to the connection. Make sure every connection is tight, there is no gap. Because the gap in the wooden joints will cause teak furniture to not live long.
3. Choose Furniture That Has A Symmetrical Shape
As mentioned earlier, the symmetrical shape of wood can be used as a benchmark in assessing the quality of teak furniture. Generally, the more symmetrical the shape and size of teak wood furniture is, the more expensive it will be.
Furniture that has a perfectly symmetrical shape is excellent. Because it has a beauty value that is evenly distributed in all corners. Therefore, make sure you buy wooden furniture that is symmetrical.
4. Do not choose perforated wood furniture
Look carefully at the various sides of the teak furniture that you are eyeing, are there any small holes on the surface?
Old teak furniture often has small holes on the surface. The existence of these holes needs to be avoided because it shows that the furniture has been attacked by pests.
These small holes are holes that are made by small insects as their home. The holes penetrate deep into the wood and are connected to one another.
Therefore, even though it looks solid from the outside, the furniture is porous on the inside. Furniture that has such holes is fragile and will not last long.
You also need to know, generally hollow teak furniture is usually made of teak wood at a young age. Because old teak wood will almost certainly not be eaten by wood pests.
5. Don’t Buy Defective Teak Furniture
Usually, defective teak furniture is sold at low prices. Even though the price is cheaper, you should avoid furniture like this.
Because when the level of defect is too severe and it is impossible to repair it again, the teak furniture is easily damaged. So it’s useless to buy it, it’s just a waste of money.
6. Choose Teak Furniture with Good and Quality Finishing
Quality furniture has a good finishing and quality too. Some tips for assessing the quality of good and quality furniture finishing include: the color is evenly distributed throughout the surface of the furniture, the finishing is thick enough and covers all wood pores, when touched, the surface of the furniture is smooth and not wavy.
The quality finish does not fade quickly and is durable. To be sure, you can ask the seller about the type of finish applied to the product, and how long the finishing layer can last.
In addition, if you plan to put the furniture outside the room, you should also ask whether the finishing applied is suitable for the outdoors. Because finishing applications for outdoor purposes (outdoor) are different from finishing for indoor (indoor).
7. Ask the area of origin of the wood
The easiest way to ensure that you are choosing quality teak furniture is to ask the origin of the teak wood. The different content of land in each region causes the quality of the teak it produces to vary.
8. Buy Teak Furniture from Trusted Stores
The store of origin can be used as a rough indicator in determining the quality of the teak furniture that you buy. Especially if you feel less confident in determining the quality of furniture.
Although this is not a guarantee, a reputable shop will usually try to sell quality goods. Because getting customer trust is not easy, it takes years to maintain quality.
9. Select the appropriate furniture design
The beauty of a piece of furniture is very much influenced by the design it has. The appropriate design will further bring out the beauty of the furniture.
In addition, think about the concept of the room you want to make, then buy teak furniture that has a model that matches that concept, for example, modern or classic style furniture.
10. Choose Furniture That Is Comfortable To Use
The level of comfort in using a product will determine your level of satisfaction in owning a product, including teak furniture. Therefore, try and feel the comfort of the furniture that you are going to buy.
For example, when you choose a chair made of teak wood, sit for a few minutes to feel the comfort. The comfortable teak chair feels solid when you sit on it, the construction doesn’t shake. Besides that, it will also make you feel relaxed.
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