One of the household appliances that must be available at home is a refrigerator. This one tool has a very important role, especially for storing food and vegetables so they last a long time. Unfortunately, we often find a refrigerator that breaks down quickly.
Even though if cared for properly, the refrigerator can be long lasting and durable. It can even last up to 19 years. Of course how to care for the refrigerator must be correct. Should not be careless. There are rules for cleaning and managing the electricity.
How to Maintain the Correct Refrigerator
So how about taking care of the refrigerator that you have been doing so far, is that correct? Here’s the guide:
1. Put The Refrigerator In a Cool Place
First about laying, avoid putting the refrigerator in a hot place, next to the stove, for example. The heat coming out of the stove will mix with the cold of the refrigerator. This can cause the refrigerator to break down quickly.
We recommend that you place the refrigerator in the dining room, away from objects that give off heat. Putting the refrigerator in a hot place, also requires the refrigerator to work hard. Of course the electricity used is also increasingly wasteful.
2. Do Not Store Hot Water In The Refrigerator
It is the same as the stove that emits heat. Hot water is also not good if you store it directly in the refrigerator. The heat can make the refrigerator quickly damaged.
It’s best to wait until the water is cool enough, at least at room temperature. And then you can stored in the refrigerator. For those of you who have this one habit, you should more careful.
3. Fill The Refrigerator Sufficiently
Each refrigerator has its own capacity. Do not overfill the refrigerator to its capacity. Fill with food and drink to taste.
If it is too heavy, it can make the refrigerator container cracked, even broken. For example, the shelf or drawer. Heavy drinking bottles or bowls can also cause cracks.
4. Refrigerator Must Always Be Closed
If the refrigerator is too full, sometimes the door won’t close tightly. This should be avoided. Always keep the refrigerator tightly closed so as not to waste electricity.
In addition, the quality of the food in it will be well preserved. The food inside will not be contaminated with air or any dirt from the outside.
5. Provide Space Between The Refrigerator And The Wall
Behind the refrigerator is a condenser that emits heat. So that this heat can come out properly, then give space between the refrigerator and the wall.
Position the refrigerator about 15 to 20 cm away from the wall. In this way, the air circulation will run smoothly. The refrigerator can also work better.
6. Set The Refrigerator Temperature According To Its Contents
If you have food items such as fish and chicken in the refrigerator, it’s best to lower the temperature so that it is cooler. The goal is to avoid these food ingredients becoming spoiled.
But if there are only fruit or vegetables, for example, the temperature may be increased. So that it doesn’t get too cold. This not only makes electricity more efficient, but also maintains the quality of fruits and vegetables.
7. Avoid Using The Refrigerator When The Power Goes Out
When the power goes out, especially for a long time, the refrigerator does not cool down. Avoid opening and closing the refrigerator too often. Because this will make the air from outside enter into the refrigerator.
Some foods spoil quickly because of this. When the power fails, food can last for 24 hours if left closed in the refrigerator.
8. Mandatory Unplug When The Power Goes Out
It is highly recommended to unplug the refrigerator when the power goes out. After turning it back on, wait for 5 minutes, then plug the cable back in.
This is done so that the compressor is reset to the initial position. Non-resetting electricity can cause the refrigerator to break down more quickly. But this does not apply to power outages for a long time.
9. Clean The Inside of The Refrigerator
To be durable, of course, the refrigerator must be cleaned periodically. Can be 3 months or 6 months, depending on the cleanliness of each refrigerator.
Be sure to unplug before cleaning. Then take out all the contents of the refrigerator, while sorting it, who knows if there is expired food.
Remove all components inside the refrigerator, clean it with spins and soap. Clean the inside thoroughly with a homemade cleanser. Can use apple cider vinegar mixed with water. Avoid chemical liquids as they can leave odors that the food will absorb later.
10. Clean The Outside of The Refrigerator
The next way to care for the refrigerator is to clean the outside of the refrigerator. Clean the door and side body with a sponge and cleaning fluid until it is clean so that it looks good. For the outside, you can use ordinary chemical cleaning fluids.
11. Clean The Freezer
To clean the freezer, you can use a toothbrush. Mainly for cleaning frost or frozen food spill stains. Brush it gently. If it’s hard to get rid of, try using white toothpaste.
Avoid using tools to clean frosts and stubborn stains. Moreover, sharp objects. This can cause scratches and even cracks in the freezer.
12. Clean the Condenser on the Back of the Refrigerator
The dirt that has accumulated from the dust must be lodged in the back of the refrigerator over time. Therefore, make sure to clean it regularly too.
If it is free from dust, then the heat that comes out of the condenser will not be obstructed. The refrigerator works better. Conversely, if left for too long, dirt and dust can build up in the condenser.
13. Don’t Leave the Refrigerator Empty
Just as a refrigerator is too full, an empty refrigerator is no good either. The refrigerator continues to cool according to the set temperature. If the refrigerator is empty, it will make an extra effort to maintain the temperature. This can be wasteful of electricity.
Therefore, if there is no food stored in the refrigerator, you should unplug the refrigerator. If you want to keep it lit, keep bottles filled with drinking water. So that the refrigerator does not work too hard, it will save electricity.
14. Know the Shelf Life of Food and Beverages
Avoid storing food or drinks in the refrigerator for too long. Stale food creates odors that other foods can absorb. In addition to making other food conditions less enjoyable, the refrigerator will also smell.
Know the shelf life of food. Fish usually lasts only 1-2 days, while chicken meat is 4-5 days. Fruits and vegetables can last 3-4 days, eggs about 2 weeks. While cheese is usually around 1 month.
15. Avoid Setting the Refrigerator Temperature Too Low
Often this happens when making ice cubes. In order to make it fast, the temperature is lowered to very low. Or when storing ice cream in the freezer. A temperature that is set too low will make the refrigerator go the extra mile. This can waste electricity. If done too often it can also damage the refrigerator.
Refrigerators are fragile electronic items. Because it takes several ways to care for the refrigerator so that it can last a long time, even though it is as good as any brand of refrigerator you have. Good luck with the tips above.
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