For years humans have been dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels or mineral fuels are natural resources that contain lots of hydrocarbons such as coal, natural gas to petroleum.
However, unfortunately, the use of fossil fuels cannot be recycled. That is, if it is used continuously, this resource will be depleted.
You know, if there is no energy source, it means the electricity is totally black, and gasoline and oil will also be scarce? Wow, how can we survive?
So, my friends, to prevent and overcome the scarcity of natural resources, researchers have found various alternative sources of alternative energy. One of them is solar panel technology.
To find out what solar panels are, how they work so that they benefit our daily lives. Check out the full review of the following solar panels!
The Origin of Solar Panels
Before discussing how solar panels work and the benefits of solar panels for life, we must first understand what is meant by solar panels. And, what is the short history like?
- Understanding Solar Panels
A solar panel is a device or system consisting of solar cells designed to allow converting sunlight into electrical energy.
- The forerunner of Solar Panel Technology
Solar panel technology was first discovered by a physicist, Alexandre Edmund Becquerel in 1839.
As the name suggests, solar panels are devices that absorb solar energy and then convert it into electrical energy that can be used for everyday life.
However, the electricity produced by Becquerel’s device was not strong enough or produced only a small electric charge.
- Patented Solar Panel Tool
Then in 1904, after Grylls Adam and his student, Richards Evans proved the truth that electrical energy can be produced from light energy.
Historical scientist Albert Einstein also participated in researching the power of the solar cell, which later inspired Russell Ohl to create a device capable of capturing solar energy and converting it into modern electric power.
The technology was then patented by Russell as the Solar Cell or solar panel as we know it today.
- Solar Panels as a Source of Future Energy
The advancement of solar panel technology is a bright spot to overcome the scarcity of fossil fuels which is predicted to experience a crisis in 2060.
Another advantage, solar panels are considered more environmentally friendly than any fuel because they produce less waste material. Japan has even used solar panel technology since the 1980s.
Several office buildings, power plant companies, and private homes have installed solar panel technology as a source of daily energy production to power electronic equipment.
How Solar Panels Work
In short, solar panels work by absorbing solar energy and then storing the energy that has been transformed into a battery. What’s the process like?
- Utilization of Solar Energy to Electricity
The energy that is transformed in the battery allows the solar panels to be used even when there is no sunlight such as when it is cloudy, rainy, late in the evening, or at night.
This battery is then connected to a cable installation that is directly connected to the electricity sources in the house.
Technical Work Process of Solar Panels
While the process is more detailed, the solar panel consists of two layers of silicon which have to capture negative (N) and positive (P) charges. The result of the meeting of these two charges is what produces an electric field.
The solar panels are also equipped with an anti-reflective coating that prevents the sun from bouncing back or what is commonly called a photovoltaic system. There is also a battery installed which functions as a backup for electricity due to the excess charge generated.
- Effective Places to Install Solar Panels
Then, where is the most effective place to install solar panels for homes?
Generally, solar panels are installed in an open area that allows the panels to be exposed to direct sunlight, such as on the roof of a house. We recommend that the solar panels be placed on tiles with an inclination of 30-40 degrees.
This is so that the sun that is captured can be maximized. Also make sure that there are no obstructions such as trees, large branches, or buildings that can get in the way around the solar panels.
Advantages / Benefits of Solar Panels
It is very interesting to know the history of the origin of solar panel technology and how it works. Now we discuss what are the advantages or benefits of installing solar panels:
- Energy sources
The most important benefit of solar panels is that they produce energy that can be used for daily needs ranging from household needs to country scale.
As long as the tool is in good condition and is able to capture sunlight optimally, the energy generated by the solar panels can be used at any time without any usage restrictions. Great, right?
- Save on Monthly Electricity Expenses
Apart from providing unlimited energy, using solar panels is also cheaper. You can save cost up to 50% on expenses.
This is due to the fact that solar panels are an independent source of energy so they will not experience an increase in electricity rates every year.
- Environmentally friendly
This renewable energy alternative is predicted to be an environmentally friendly technology that can preserve nature. Research shows that solar panels do not emit exhaust emissions that cause global warming.
Apart from not causing air pollution, solar panels also do not cause noise and soil pollution due to excessive land exploitation.
- Easily Adapt to Various Climatic Conditions
Using solar cell technology in your house has many advantages. The solar panel also has tough performance because it can withstand all conditions, such as rain or snow.
Before deciding to install solar panels at home, you should learn more about how to care and the costs required.
Maybe you will be surprised by the installation price. However, it is important to remember that this technology is much more efficient in the long term and environmentally friendly than petroleum or coal.
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